Safety and health of our customers and staffs are high priority in our thoughts, as they are integral part of YAMAHA-IPI. We are regularly keeping track of COVID-19 scenario and also ensures that we follow necessary precautions and guidelines issued by World Health Organisation (WHO) and Indian Government. As you aware, COVID-19 is a respiratory illness caused by virus that is highly spread getting close to any infected person, and less likely by contacting any hard surfaces.
Even in this tough time you can still enjoy your ride in Yamaha Golfcar with basic guidelines to clean and disinfect your vehicle, so that you can avoid the spread of infection. Following are the collective best practices we would like to recommend and we would be very glad to work with you on this.

Golf was one of the first sports activity allowed post lockdown in India as it is safer to practice and easy to maintain social distancing while enjoying the game. However, certain rules and regulations are set forth by respective state/local authorities, golf courses, sports clubs and so on.
- As part of Yamaha, we recommend not more than one user in 2 seater buggy golf cart at time.
- When it comes to the 4 seaters golf cart and 6 seaters golf cart, we highly recommend with additional safety divider fitted in the car because safety is very important for us.
Following the regulations from WHO cleaning and disinfecting are 2 different steps to be followed as the defense against the virus COVID-19. This needs to be done at regularly between usage.
- Cleaning: Cleaning the surfaces is the process to remove dirt and germs. Though this doesn’t kill germs, removing them from surfaces will minimize the risk of infection spreading.
- Disinfecting: Disinfecting is the process of using chemicals on the surfaces for killing germs. This process will result in killing germs and will further minimize the risk of infection spreading.
Always ensure wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face mask or shield, gloves and so on while cleaning and disinfecting the vehicles.
You can use household diluted bleach and disinfectant solutions that can effectively kill the virus. Alternatively, you can also refer to the website of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on the list of recommended disinfecting products.
Clean and disinfect the surfaces if there is any evident dirt at frequently touching areas such as steering wheel, dash board, keys, hand holds and so on.
All the users and person who clean the Yamaha Electric Vehicle should keep alcohol based sanitizer easily accessible in the car to use whenever required.
We wish our valuable customers and everyone to stay safe and enjoy your ride with your family and friends in Yamaha Electric cars and create many happy memories. Kindly make sure you follow our cleaning and usage recommendations so that we all can stop spreading virus.