The importance of training in the Ground Maintenance

Training and versatility – keys for Toro Equipment

IPI & Toro give value to the training and delivering tools and knowledge.

The training of the team in charge to maintain the Toro Equipment is a vital field to give value to the investment done by our esteemed Customers.

When we conduct a training, we create awareness of the potential performances of TORO Equipment.

Therefore, the training increases the quality of the products, reinforces the sense of identity and belonging which is associated with motivation to achieve group goals. Finally, it improves the competitiveness and the profitability of the company. Additionally, it increases the commitment towards the company what reverberates in a reduction of the stress and in a more satisfied workgroup.

The training actions strengthen professional and personal development and enhance the communication between work team members. Furthermore, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and capabilities empowers operators and professionals to assume responsibilities, to take decisions and to solve problems. As a whole, the formation supposes improving the efficiency of the processes.

We consider the Customer Service as a Learning process to enjoy not just the outcome of our endeavors.

We believe in our philosophy to do the little things to make the lives of our Customers easier.

“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay”. – Henry Ford






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