Sprinkler irrigation is the watering system used widely in golf courses, landscapes, sports fields and green areas. This system helps in achieving appropriate watering output irrespective of the size of green areas. It involves pumping water mainly by piping systems and then passed through sprinklers in order to spread water into droplets like a rainfall.

What are the key components of Sprinkler Irrigation System, apart from automatic control system, filtration system & Valves?
- PUMPS: Pumps are used to extract water from the source and by applying appropriate pressure they get discharged through piping system in order to attain optimum flow rate and volume depending on the requirement.
- MAIN PIPES and LATERAL PIPES: Pipes are basically used to transfer water from the pump to the desired green area. They can be either permanent (Mostly) or temporary based on the application and its area.
- SPRINKLERS: Sprinklers are critical parts offering the final output to emit and transform water into droplets, to attain uniform watering for the greens.

What is Special about Sprinkler Irrigation System?
- Can cover large areas efficiently
- Prevent soil erosion and water ponding of the Irrigated areas
- Easy to use and highly precise
- Taylor made solutions depending on the application and area
- Reduces labor cost
- Water savings by up to 30% to 50%

Looking for a Sprinkler Irrigation System?
TORO offers best irrigation Systems in the industry including sprinklers and irrigation controllers that are ideal for Golf Course Irrigation, Sports Field Irrigation and Lawn Irrigation Systems. TORO products come with latest technologies that are speedy, durable, upgradable and precise in application thus significantly reduce water waste and allow you to effectively control and manage your facility.
IPI is the dedicated distributor of TORO (in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Pondicherry, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat) which provides Automated irrigation system solution starting from designing, followed by installation and maintenance/service for the systems offered.
For more details reach us at:
Email: info@ipi-india.com
Website: https://www.ipi-india.com/irrigation-system.php